Creating a crafty world!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Catch up time!

Life seems to be wizzing past at light speed these days and I sometimes wonder how we fit everything in! What's new since my last post?
- Luke competed in a gymnastic competion and won 3 gold medals
- Molly progressed up to the intermediate class in gym
- bought a new camera and am trying my best to learn how to take more creative photos
- Got a new tent and spent last week camping in Goodrington!!

Time to take a deep breath and show you some of the phots that Rob has taken with the new camera. I think they're brill and are great examples of what can be acheived when you come away from auto focus and play around with the settings!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those photos are great - love the shots of Luke and Molly eyeing up the pudding!